VALLARTA REAL: Jean Pierre Renucci on the future of Art Walk

Jean Pierre Renucci, renown pioneer in the contemporary Mexican art world, and owner of Galeria Corsica, issues a sobering predictions about the future of the famed Art Walk in post-quarantine Puerto Vallarta.

At the half-way mark of the Governor’s statewide quarantine in Jalisco Mexico, we sat down with Jean Pierre in the quiet sunlight of his shuttered downtown PV art gallery as he issued sobering predictions about the future of the famed Art Walk in post-quarantine Puerto Vallarta.

The full interview with Jean Pierre Renucci on the future of art in post-quarantine Puerto Vallarta. His insightful tips on how to adapt in this quaint resor...

His insightful tips on pivoting the gallery business in this quaint resort town, heavily reliant on tourist foot traffic, include these actionable nuggets which just about any business owner could adopt at this uncertain time:

* think longterm and shore up cash reserves

* scale up digital marketing, 3-D technology and live auctions

* conserve resources and prioritize diversification

* forge strategic alliances and new partnerships

*  prioritize quality of life and enjoy the days you’re given.

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